"Abundó en sus virtudes, pero todo quedó en segundo plano con la sensacional interpretación de la chelista Danielle Akta, mucha más que una joven prodigiosa. Tiene dotes para convertirse en una solista de primerísima fila y toca con una interioridad y una profundidad maravillosas. Con ella, el Musika Música de esta edición 2023 sellaba uno de esos programas llamados a recordarse como un grandísimo momento musical."
Joseba Lopezortega, miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2023 Mundoclasico
"Making her Canadian debut, at the age of fourteen, Danielle Akta is a thrill to watch. The music seems to take her over, like a trance - her eyes closed, she breathes it in and exhales it through her cello. Akta is a magnificent musician, a true prodigy. In Bruch's "Kol Nidrei op.47 for Cello and Orchestra", Akta played passionately - followed by Popper's "Concert Polonaise, Op.14", which allowed her to have more fun, showing off her technical agility."
Review by Taylor Long, Broadwayworld
"Then it was the first guest soloist of the evening, the 14-year old Israeli cello phenom Danielle Akta, playing Max Bruch’s Kol Nidrei, Op. 47. What a fabulous talent! Possessing the technique of a super-virtuoso is a given these days, but she also has uncommon musicality in everything she does, drawing the most exquisite, warm, caressing, singing tone from her instrument. I loved her unbridled joy of music-making, so clearly written all over her face. Hearing her was an unalloyed pleasure. Her second piece was the Concert Polonaise Op. 14 by Czech composer David Popper, a highly romantic, happy work with the typical polonaise rhythm. It certainly put the audience in a great mood, and Akta received huge ovations."
Review by Joseph So, Musical Toronto
“después apareció en el proscenio del Teatro Juárez la solista Danielle Akta, de apenas 16 años para dejar asombrada a la audiencia desde el primer acordé. La brillantez y energía que imprime en cada nota musical es increíble, sin duda el haber tocado el concierto para violonchelo y orquesta en mi menor Op. 85 del británico Edward Elgar fue un gran acierto. Los cuatro movimientos: Adagio Moderato, Lento Allegro molto, Adagio y Allegro Moderato allegro man non troppo poco piu lento adagio fueron ejecutados de manera perfecta por esta niña prodigio que sin duda tendrá una amplia carrera en el mundo de la música."
Cinthia Rosiles - ‘Quanaxhuato’
"Auch Peter Tschaikowskis im Jahr 1876 komponierte Rokoko-Variationen für Violoncello und Orchester in A-Dur op. 33 enthielten hinter der klassisch anmutenden Oberfläche einige musikalische Überraschungen. Aufgrund seiner hohen technischen Anforderungen bot das Werk der 2002 geborenen Cellistin Danielle Akta alle Möglichkeiten der virtuosen Entfaltung. Mit Verve kostete sie diese vom chromatischen Lauf bis in die filigranste Verzierung aus. Flankiert vom prägnanten und luziden Orchesterklang begann sie die Variationen in heller Mozartmanier und tauchte mit jedem Stück mehr in eine dunkler gefärbte Tschaikowski-Duftnote. Klassische Akkuratesse oder romantisches Schwelgen – die junge Solistin beherrschte beides. Die Zuschauer feierten ihren furiosen Auftritt mit anhaltendem Applaus und Bravorufen."
Von Silvia Adler, Echo, May 16 2022
“The idiosyncratic pairing of the Mozart and Shostakovich was followed by a pair of pieces performed by the 15-year-old Israeli cellist Danielle Akta, who surely plays with great élan and brio. Her program was comprised of Max Bruch’s ‘Kol Nidrei: Adagio on Hebrew Melodies’ Op.47 and David Poppers’ rarely heard Concert Polonaise Op.14. Both are strongly declaimed, dramatic vehicles that complement one another well – the former leaning towards the elegiac and mournful, while the latter tilts somewhat brighter. Young Akta demonstrated firm technical skill while emoting with a maturity that that belied her age. She is enchanting, and one might easily predict a rich and sustained performing future for her. Her smile is decidedly infectious, an infection that extends to her approach, technique and general presentation. Danielle Akta: a name to remember!”
Review by Douglas L. Dutton Seen And Heard International
"The evening also featured teenaged cellist Danielle Akta. Smiling with joy, Akta made her instrument both sing — with a big vibrato in Bruch’s Kol Nidrei, Op. 47 for Cello and Orchestra — and dance, with fired-up fingerwork in David Popper’s Concert Polonaise, Op. 14 for Cello and Orchestra. "
Review by Grace Jean, Washington Post
"Chelista de 16 años encanta y se lleva los elogios en el Cervantino” “
La segunda obra fue el Concerto para violonchello y orquesta (Concierto para violonchelo en mi menor, Op. 85), una de las principales composiciones del inglés Edward Elgar, escrita en 1919, después de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Se trata de una pieza que, según los expertos, es abordada sólo por los grandes chelistas debido a su complejidad técnico y virtuoso, pero sobre toda por ser muy pasional. "La interpretación de Danielle es una de las bonitas que he escuchado en toda mi vida, todo lo emocionante, conmovedor y todo el amor de un adolescente, tocando esta pieza es una vivencia incomparable", explicó el músico. Y lo fue, la chelista de 16 años nacida en Israel dentro de una familia de músicos que comenzó sus estudios en el Conservatorio de Ra'anana, ofreció una interpretación virtuosa celebrada por el público. Ante las ovaciones, Danielle ofreció como encore el tercer movimiento de la Suite para violoncello solo de Gaspar Cassadó.”
El Universal’ - Alida Piñón- Guanajuato, Guanajuato
״L’autre temps fort du concert a été la prestation de la jeune violoncelliste de 15 ans, Danielle Akta, dans le Concerto de Saint- Saëns. En offrant un beau succès à sa jeune protégée, Vladimir Spivakov a réalisé le vœu formulé un peu plus tôt dans la soirée par Michel Plasson lors de la présentation des chanteurs de son Académie internationale de musique française : donner aux jeunes artistes l’occasion de se perfectionner grâce au concert. Danielle Akta, avec toute l’intrépidité de la jeunesse, a abordé cette page redoutable sans frémir, dans un visible bonheur de jouer, auprès d’un orchestre et d’un chef amicaux et complices. Sans doute le son est-il encore un peu ténu, sans doute le puriste a-t-il perçu, ici ou là, quelque imprécision. Mais cette maîtrise de l’instrument, dans la vélocité comme dans la justesse, cette fraîcheur rayonnante d’un romantisme déjà profondément ressenti sont les gages d’un talent prometteur dont le public colmarien a éprouvé tout le charme. ״
Review parJacques Weil, LA Alsace
"Things got even richer for Bruch’s Kol Nidrei where the orchestra was joined by 14 year old Israeli cellist Danielle Akta. The orchestral sound was sumptuous here but the real star was Ms. Akta. One expects virtuosity from the sort of young musician who tours with a major orchestra but one does not necessarily expect the kind of intensity that we got from Ms. Akta. She played as if she had the sort of life experience one would simply not wish on a young girl. Her instrument, an Orselli loaned by Dr. Moshe Kantor, was rather wonderful too. She can do virtuoso too as she showed in the Popper Concert Polonaise that closed a very satisfying first half."
Review By OperaRamblings
'Danielle Akta joined in on cello. She came out, looking like a kid of fourteen-years-old or so. The emotional intensity knocked the room out. I was watching the four other cellists on stage watching her. Two of them were at least double her age, yet she had their full attention. I can understand why. She took it to another level."
Review By Ron Reis, Buzz news Chicago
"The principal solo work of the evening was Tchaikovsky’s lovely Rococo Variations, a winsome concoction which gives the soloist considerable opportunity to display all aspects of her art. In this case, the astonishingly youthful Danielle Akta performed with an assurance that belied her teenage years and kept us engrossed with a fine account, sympathetically if not always crisply accompanied by Boico. Her bowing arm has a flexibility that ensures even and measured tonal projection and her left hand showed splendid intonational accuracy."
Review: DEON IRISH, At The City Hall, Cape Town, WeekendSpecial
"The teenage cellist, Danielle Akta, joined Spivakov and the Moscow Virtuosi at the start of the second half to perform a pair of contrasting works from the 19th Century. Bruch’s Kol Nidrei was composed for Liverpool’s Jewish community and it uses two traditional Hebrew melodies. Miss Akta gave an assured and richly evocative performance sustaining the line beautifully and working well with the Moscow Virtuosi. David Popper’s Shining Polonaise was dispatched with virtuoso swagger with the soloist clearly relishing the extrovert writing and rising to the occasion magnificently. Danielle Akta is clearly a star of the future."
by Robert Beattie, Seen and Heard international, BARBICAN HALL, London
"Two cellists, one a prodigy and one a former prodigy, hypnotized. Danielle Akta (age 13) with the Jerusalem Orchestra (March 14, Troy Chromatic Concert Series) and Yo-Yo Ma with the Albany Symphony Orchestra (Dec. 8, Palace Theatre, Albany). (Freedman)"
Best of 2016: Classical music - BY GERALDINE FREEDMAN/For The Daily Gazette
Best of 2016: Classical music - BY GERALDINE FREEDMAN/For The Daily Gazette